Naming Ceremony
A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it
The birth of a child is such an important event and a naming ceremony is a lovely way to celebrate the arrival of a new life into the world. This is a beautiful alternative to a Christening and can include as much or as little religious contents as you wish, it is your celebration so why be restricted.
You can still nominate godparents or responsible adults who will play a significant role in your child’s life as they grow up. I will write and conduct a bespoke ceremony personal to you and your family, which again can take place absolutely anywhere the only limit is your imagination!
Baby Naming Ceremony
Photo Credit: Anthony Hawkes Photography
In the garden of humanity every baby is a fresh new flower

Adopting a child is a very special occasion, so what better way of welcoming and celebrating your new family member then with a welcoming ceremony? Like naming a new-born you can nominate family and friends to be responsible adults or godparents in exactly the same way. You may want to name other older children I the same way or just involve them in the ceremony, whatever your wishes.